What the f*** is this?
A product of Google deep diving.
Well heLL0 there ;)
THOU ART THOT is a Popular Culture & Opinion Blog, intellectualizing the ‘trivial,’ in order to gain a greater understanding of society as it is today.
I define 'trivial,' as what's trending and part of our popular culture - what we watch, what we listen to, and what we wear. But of course, they're not trivial - they make up a significant proportion of what we do in our lives. You eat breakfast and you watch something; you travel and you listen to something and from time to time you'll wear something.
Traditional academia can feel alien, often times I feel like its in a different language, and I'm scratching for Google Translate. I want to marry what I engage with every day, to academia because I don't know 'bout you, but I think they make a pretty cute couple...
I say this blog is a product of Google Deep Diving because I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. I just want to give importance to the things too readily dismissed as 'trivial.' To do this I will search the stretches of the internet, pulling on different disciplines, and the opinions of the actual experts, from the supporters to the opposed.
Underlying all this I want to make academia accessible, because it should be. And so to me, the name 'Thou art Thot' represents how the seemingly small can shed light on society, but most importantly, the end to the exclusivity of academia.
Move out the way rich white heterosexual man - this ho over there is coming through.